Hi Guys! I know it's been a while. I've been terrible at juggling and the blog is one of the things that neglected. Maybe I'll clear out these drafts and finish the year strong, we'll see.
Anywho, I have a little something to share today!
I was watching one of Dr. Dharius Daniels' messages last week and he said this, "Faith is acting like God is telling the truth". If you believe what the word says, if you truly believe what God has spoken or promised to you, act like it! If you want to watch that message you can find it here.
"Lord, Let my actions match my declarations"
After hearing that part of the message, I was reminded of something I sometimes say when I pray: "Lord, Let my actions match my declarations".
James 2:17 says "faith without works is dead". Am I doing my part to prepare for what I'm asking God for? Am I moving in a way that shows I believe I will receive what I'm seeking? Also, if I say I love God, do my habits match that? Am I putting in the work to maintain and prioritize the relationship I say I value? If I say He is Lord over my life, am I letting Him be that? Or am I still trying to be in control? If I declare that I have authority over something, am I still letting it "defeat" me? There are so many ways to look at it and things to consider. But the point is, I don't want to be out here lying 😂. I want my actions to match the things I'm saying and declaring.
So, ask yourself, do my actions match my declarations? Does my life look like the things I've been saying? Feel free to take this line for your prayers!
