Lord, help me to forgive myself for things You've already forgiven me for.
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
It’s easy to blame others for holding our past against us. But what if the biggest roadblock to our healing and progress is... us?
You Need To Forgive Yourself
We can be our hardest critics. We dwell on what we did that we shouldn’t have or what we didn’t do that we should have. We replay our mistakes, overanalyzing every detail, and before we know it, we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re unworthy of grace.
You can get stuck in a loop: dwelling on your past, beating yourself up over it, and letting it keep you from moving forward. You might even pass on future opportunities—disqualifying yourself before you even try.
“I’m too ___...”
“I’ve never ___...”
“I always ___...”
“I can’t ___…”
Sound familiar?
You Are Already Forgiven
The reality is, if you’ve already asked for forgiveness and committed to doing better, God has already forgiven you. And when He forgives, He forgets. You’re the only one still holding on to it.
“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” — Hebrews 8:12
“Then he adds: ‘Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.’ And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.” — Hebrews 10:17-18
There is literally no need to keep punishing yourself. God isn’t keeping a record of what He’s erased. So why are you?
Of course, learning from the past is necessary. If you recognize areas where growth is needed, make the changes. Reflection is good, but getting stuck dwelling on your shortcomings isn’t.
Forgive yourself. Accept God’s grace. Move forward. His mercy is new every morning. Walk in it.
Pray this prayer: "Lord, help me to forgive myself for things You've already forgiven me for."
Have you struggled with forgiving yourself? Share your thoughts in the comments or share with a friend who needs this reminder today!
